struct | BinaryContainer |
| A wrapper that constructs a new container type that holds two container types. More...
struct | concat< TypeList< Ts... >, TypeList< Us... > > |
| Concatenates types from two TypeList in a single TypeList . More...
class | ContainerTraits |
| Traits class for accessing attributes of a Container (Matrix or Vector) More...
struct | CooFormatTag |
| Tag used to mark containers as Matrix containers (Sparse) with Coordinate (COO) Storage Format. More...
class | CooMatrix |
| Implementation of the Coordinate (COO) Sparse Matrix Format Representation. More...
struct | cross_product< TypeList< Ts... >, TypeList< Us... > > |
| Generates the cross product of the types from two TypeList . More...
struct | CsrFormatTag |
| Tag used to mark containers as Matrix containers (Sparse) with Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) Storage Format. More...
class | CsrMatrix |
| Implementation of the Compressed-Sparse Row (CSR) Sparse Matrix Format Representation. More...
struct | CustomBackend |
| A wrapper that converts a valid space into a custom backend. More...
struct | Default |
| A Default tag is used to denote the use of default types. More...
class | DenseMatrix |
| The DenseMatrix container is a two-dimensional dense container that contains contiguous elements. It is a polymorphic container in the sense that it can store scalar or integer type values, on host or device depending how the template parameters are selected. More...
struct | DenseMatrixFormatTag |
| Tag used to mark containers as Matrix containers (Dense) with Dense Format. More...
class | DenseVector |
| The DenseVector container is a one-dimensional container that contains contiguous elements. It is a polymorphic container in the sense that it can store scalar or integer type values, on host or device depending how the template parameters are selected. More...
struct | DenseVectorFormatTag |
| Tag used to mark containers as Vector Containers (Dense) with Dense Format. More...
struct | Device |
| A type that binds together the execution, memory space and backend. More...
struct | DiaFormatTag |
| Tag used to mark containers as Matrix containers (Sparse) with Diagonal (DIA) Storage Format. More...
class | DiaMatrix |
| Implementation of the Diagonal (DIA) Sparse Matrix Format Representation. More...
class | DynamicMatrix |
| Implementation of the Dynamic Sparse Matrix Format Representation. More...
struct | DynamicMatrixFormatTag |
| Tag used to mark containers as Matrix container with Dynamic Storage Format. More...
class | Exception |
class | FormatConversionException |
struct | generate_binary_typelist |
| Generates a TypeList of all combinations of BinaryContainer from two TypeLists of containers. More...
struct | generate_unary_typelist |
| Generates a TypeList of UnaryContainer where each container type is generated from each combination of types in the U type list. More...
struct | GenericBackend |
| A wrapper that converts a valid space into a generic backend. More...
struct | has_access |
| Takes arbitrary number of containers and checks if ExecSpace has access to the memory space of all of them. Note that each container must have a valid memory_space trait. More...
class | has_backend |
| Checks if the given type T has a valid supported backend. More...
class | has_cuda_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T has a Cuda execution space. More...
class | has_custom_backend |
| Checks if the given type T has a valid custom backend i.e has a CustomBackend container. More...
class | has_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T has a valid supported execution space. More...
class | has_generic_backend |
| Checks if the given type T has a valid generic backend i.e has a GenericBackend container. A valid generic backend is also assumed to be any valid Kokkos Execution Space, Memory Space or Device. More...
class | has_hip_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T has a HIP execution space. More...
class | has_host_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T has a supported Host execution space. More...
class | has_host_memory_space |
| Checks if the given type T has a valid supported Host memory space. More...
class | has_index_type |
| Checks if the given type T has a valid index type i.e an integral. More...
class | has_layout |
| Checks if the given type T has a layout i.e has as a array_layout member trait it self and is one of the supported layouts. More...
class | has_memory_space |
| Checks if the given type T has a valid supported memory space. More...
class | has_openmp_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T has an OpenMP execution space. More...
class | has_same_format |
| Checks if the two types have the same format i.e both are valid containers and have the same tag member trait. More...
class | has_same_index_type |
| Checks if the two types have the same valid index type. More...
class | has_same_layout |
| Checks if the two types have the same valid supported layout. More...
class | has_same_memory_space |
| Checks if the two types have the same valid supported memory space. More...
class | has_same_value_type |
| Checks if the two types have the same valid value type. More...
class | has_serial_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T has a Serial execution space. More...
class | has_tag_trait |
| Checks if T has tag as a member trait. More...
class | has_value_type |
| Checks if the given type T has a valid value type i.e a scalar. More...
struct | HostMirror |
| Given a space S, the HostMirror will generate the appropriate Host backend. More...
struct | IndexedTypeList |
| Compile-time type list with indexed access. More...
struct | IndexType |
| A wrapper that checks if the provided type is an integral type. More...
struct | InitArguments |
class | InvalidInputException |
class | IOException |
class | is_compatible |
| Checks if the two types are compatible containers i.e are in the same memory space and have the same layout, index and value type. More...
class | is_container |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid Morpheus Container i.e is either a valid matrix or a vector container that satisfies is_matrix_container or is_vector_container . More...
class | is_coo_matrix_format_container |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid COO Sparse Matrix Format Container i.e is valid matrix container and has CooFormatTag as tag member trait. More...
class | is_csr_matrix_format_container |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid CSR Sparse Matrix Format Container i.e is valid matrix container and has CsrFormatTag as tag member trait. More...
class | is_cuda_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T is a Cuda execution space. More...
class | is_default |
| Checks if the given type T is a Default type. More...
class | is_dense_matrix_container |
| A valid Dense Matrix container is the one that has a valid Dense Matrix tag i.e satisfies the has_dense_matrix_tag check. More...
class | is_dense_matrix_format_container |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid Dense Matrix Format Container i.e is valid matrix container and has DenseMatrixFormatTag as tag member trait. More...
class | is_dense_vector_format_container |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid Dense Vector Format Container i.e is valid vector container and has DenseVectorFormatTag as tag member trait. More...
class | is_dia_matrix_format_container |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid DIA Sparse Matrix Format Container i.e is valid matrix container and has DiaFormatTag as tag member trait. More...
class | is_dynamic_matrix_container |
| A valid Dynamic Matrix container is the one that has a valid Dynamic Matrix tag i.e satisfies the has_dynamic_matrix_tag check. Note that any supported dynamic matrix storage format should be a valid Dynamic Matrix Container. More...
class | is_dynamic_matrix_format_container |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid Dynamic Matrix Format Container i.e is valid matrix container and has DynamicMatrixFormatTag as tag member trait. More...
class | is_dynamically_compatible |
| Checks if the two types are dynamically compatible containers i.e are compatible containers and at least one of them is also a dynamic container. More...
class | is_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid supported execution space. More...
struct | is_format_compatible |
| Checks if the two types are format compatible containers i.e are compatible containers and have the same storage format. More...
class | is_format_compatible_different_space |
| Checks if the two types are format compatible containers but from different memory space i.e have the same storage format and are compatible containers with relaxed memory space and layout requirements. More...
class | is_generic_backend |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid generic backend i.e is a GenericBackend container. A valid generic backend is also assumed to be any valid Kokkos Execution Space, Memory Space or Device. More...
class | is_hip_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T is a HIP execution space. More...
class | is_host_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T is a supported Host execution space. More...
class | is_host_memory_space |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid supported Host memory space. More...
class | is_index_type |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid index type i.e an integral. More...
class | is_layout |
| Checks if the given type T is a layout i.e has as a array_layout member trait it self and is one of the supported layouts. More...
class | is_matrix_container |
| A valid Matrix container is the one that has a valid Matrix tag i.e satisfies the has_matrix_tag check. Note that both dense and sparse matrices should be valid matrix containers. More...
class | is_memory_space |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid supported memory space. More...
class | is_openmp_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T is an OpenMP execution space. More...
class | is_same_index_type |
| Checks if the two types is of type index_type and are the same. More...
class | is_same_layout |
| Checks if the two types have the same valid supported layout. More...
class | is_same_memory_space |
| Checks if the two types are in the same valid supported memory space. More...
class | is_same_value_type |
| Checks if the two types are of type value_type and the same. More...
class | is_serial_execution_space |
| Checks if the given type T is a Serial execution space. More...
struct | is_space |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid supported space. More...
class | is_sparse_matrix_container |
| A valid Sparse Matrix container is the one that has a valid Sparse Matrix tag i.e satisfies the has_sparse_matrix_tag check. Note that any supported sparse matrix storage format should be a valid Sparse Matrix Container. More...
class | is_value_type |
| Checks if the given type T is a valid value type i.e a scalar. More...
class | is_variant_member |
| Checks if the given type T is a member of Variant container such as std::variant or mpark::variant . More...
class | is_vector_container |
| A valid Vector container is the one that has a valid Vector tag i.e satisfies the has_vector_tag check. Note that a Vector container could be either dense or sparse. More...
class | MatrixBase |
| Base class used to derive new matrices. More...
struct | MatrixFormats |
struct | MatrixFormatTag |
class | NotImplementedException |
struct | remove_cvref |
| Provides the member type which is the same as T, except that its topmost const- and reference-qualifiers are removed. More...
class | RuntimeException |
struct | Set |
| Compile-time set. More...
struct | TypeList |
| Compile-time type list. More...
struct | TypeList< Set< Head_... >, Tail_... > |
| Compile-time linked-list like type list specialisation for when the types passed are Set . More...
struct | UnaryContainer |
| A wrapper that constructs a new container type from ContainerType using as arguments the types in TypeSet . More...
struct | ValueType |
| A wrapper that checks if the provided type is a scalar type. More...
struct | VectorFormatTag |
void | initialize (int &argc, char *argv[], const bool banner) |
void | initialize (int &argc, char *argv[], InitArguments &arguments, const bool banner) |
void | print_configuration (std::ostream &out, const bool detail) |
void | initialize (InitArguments args, const bool banner) |
void | finalize () |
template<typename ExecSpace , typename SourceType , typename DestinationType > |
void | convert (const SourceType &src, DestinationType &dst) |
| Performs a conversion operation between two containers. More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename SourceType > |
conversion_error_e | convert (SourceType &src, const formats_e index) |
| Performs an in-place conversion operation of the DynamicMatrix container to the format indicated by the enum index. More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename SourceType > |
conversion_error_e | convert (SourceType &src, const int index) |
| Performs an in-place conversion operation of the DynamicMatrix container to the format indicated by the index. More...
template<typename SourceType , typename DestinationType > |
void | copy (const SourceType &src, DestinationType &dst) |
| Performs a deep copy operation between two containers. More...
template<typename SourceType , typename DestinationType > |
void | copy (const SourceType &src, DestinationType &dst, const typename SourceType::index_type src_begin, const typename SourceType::index_type src_end, const typename DestinationType::index_type dst_begin, const typename DestinationType::index_type dst_end) |
| Performs a sliced deep copy operation between two containers. More...
template<typename SourceType , typename DestinationType > |
void | copy (const SourceType &src, DestinationType &dst, const typename SourceType::index_type begin, const typename SourceType::index_type end) |
| Performs a sliced deep copy operation between two containers. More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename KeyType , typename SourceType , typename DestinationType > |
void | copy_by_key (const KeyType keys, const SourceType &src, DestinationType &dst) |
| Performs an indirect copy between two containers using a set of key values. More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Vector1 , typename Vector2 > |
Vector2::value_type | dot (typename Vector1::size_type n, const Vector1 &x, const Vector2 &y) |
| Computes the dot product of two vectors. More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Matrix , typename Vector > |
void | update_diagonal (Matrix &A, const Vector &diagonal) |
| Updates the main diagonal of the matrix with contents of the diagonal vector. More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Matrix , typename Vector > |
void | get_diagonal (const Matrix &A, Vector &diagonal) |
| Gets the main diagonal of the matrix and places it in a vector. More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Matrix , typename SizeType , typename ValueType > |
void | set_value (Matrix &A, SizeType row, SizeType col, ValueType value) |
| Set a single entry into a matrix. More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Matrix , typename IndexVector , typename ValueVector > |
void | set_values (Matrix &A, typename IndexVector::value_type m, const IndexVector idxm, typename IndexVector::value_type n, const IndexVector idxn, ValueVector values) |
| Inserts or adds a block of values into a matrix. More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Matrix , typename TransposeMatrix > |
void | transpose (const Matrix &A, TransposeMatrix &At) |
| Computes the transpose of the given matrix. More...
template<template< class, class... > class Container, class T , class... P> |
Container< T, P... >::HostMirror | create_mirror (const Container< T, P... > &src, typename std::enable_if_t< is_container_v< Container< T, P... > > > *=nullptr) |
| Allocates a mirror with the same characteristics as source on Host (specialization for different space) More...
template<class Space , template< class, class... > class Container, class T , class... P> |
Impl::MirrorType< Space, Container, T, P... >::container_type | create_mirror (const Container< T, P... > &src, typename std::enable_if_t< is_container_v< Container< T, P... > > > *=nullptr) |
| Create a mirror in a new space (specialization for different space) More...
template<template< class, class... > class Container, class T , class... P> |
Container< T, P... >::HostMirror | create_mirror_container (const Container< T, P... > &src, typename std::enable_if_t< is_compatible_v< Container< T, P... >, typename Container< T, P... >::HostMirror > > *=nullptr) |
| Creates a mirror container on Host (specialization for same space) More...
template<template< class, class... > class Container, class T , class... P> |
Container< T, P... >::HostMirror | create_mirror_container (const Container< T, P... > &src, typename std::enable_if_t<!is_compatible_v< Container< T, P... >, typename Container< T, P... >::HostMirror > > *=nullptr) |
| Creates a mirror container on Host (specialization for different space) More...
template<class Space , template< class, class... > class Container, class T , class... P> |
Impl::MirrorContainerType< Space, Container, T, P... >::container_type | create_mirror_container (const Container< T, P... > &src, typename std::enable_if< Impl::MirrorContainerType< Space, Container, T, P... >::is_same_memspace &&is_container< Container< T, P... > >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
| Create a mirror container in a new space (specialization for same space) More...
template<class Space , template< class, class... > class Container, class T , class... P> |
Impl::MirrorContainerType< Space, Container, T, P... >::container_type | create_mirror_container (const Container< T, P... > &src, typename std::enable_if<!Impl::MirrorContainerType< Space, Container, T, P... >::is_same_memspace &&is_container< Container< T, P... > >::value >::type *=nullptr) |
| Creates a mirror container in a new space (specialization for different space) More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Matrix , typename Vector > |
void | multiply (const Matrix &A, const Vector &x, Vector &y, const bool init) |
| Computes the matrix vector product y = Ax. More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Matrix , typename Vector > |
void | multiply (const Matrix &A, const Vector &x, Vector &y) |
| Computes the matrix vector product y = Ax. More...
template<typename Printable , typename Stream > |
void | print (const Printable &p, Stream &s) |
template<typename Printable > |
void | print (const Printable &p) |
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Vector > |
Vector::value_type | reduce (const Vector &in, typename Vector::size_type size) |
| Performs a sum reduction on the contents of a vector. More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Vector > |
void | inclusive_scan (const Vector &in, Vector &out, typename Vector::index_type size, typename Vector::index_type start=0) |
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Vector > |
void | exclusive_scan (const Vector &in, Vector &out, typename Vector::index_type size, typename Vector::index_type start=0) |
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Vector1 , typename Vector2 > |
void | inclusive_scan_by_key (const Vector1 &keys, const Vector2 &in, Vector2 &out, typename Vector2::index_type size, typename Vector2::index_type start=0) |
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Vector1 , typename Vector2 > |
void | exclusive_scan_by_key (const Vector1 &keys, const Vector2 &in, Vector2 &out, typename Vector2::index_type size, typename Vector2::index_type start=0) |
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Matrix > |
void | sort_by_row_and_column (Matrix &mat, typename Matrix::index_type min_row=0, typename Matrix::index_type max_row=0, typename Matrix::index_type min_col=0, typename Matrix::index_type max_col=0) |
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Matrix > |
bool | is_sorted (Matrix &mat) |
template<typename ExecSpace , typename Vector1 , typename Vector2 , typename Vector3 > |
void | waxpby (const size_t n, const typename Vector1::value_type alpha, const Vector1 &x, const typename Vector2::value_type beta, const Vector2 &y, Vector3 &w) |
| Computes the update of a vector with the sum of two scaled vectors where: w = alpha*x + beta*y. More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_default_v = is_default<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_default . More...
template<class T > |
constexpr bool | is_custom_backend_v = is_custom_backend<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_custom_backend . More...
template<class T > |
constexpr bool | has_custom_backend_v = has_custom_backend<T>::value |
| Short-hand to has_custom_backend . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_coo_matrix_format_container_v |
| Short-hand to is_coo_matrix_format_container . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_csr_matrix_format_container_v |
| Short-hand to is_csr_matrix_format_container . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_dia_matrix_format_container_v |
| Short-hand to is_dia_matrix_format_container . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_dynamic_matrix_format_container_v |
| Short-hand to is_dynamic_matrix_format_container . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_dense_matrix_format_container_v |
| Short-hand to is_dense_matrix_format_container . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_dense_vector_format_container_v |
| Short-hand to is_dense_vector_format_container . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_matrix_container_v = is_matrix_container<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_matrix_container . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_sparse_matrix_container_v |
| Short-hand to is_sparse_matrix_container . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_dense_matrix_container_v |
| Short-hand to is_dense_matrix_container . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_vector_container_v = is_vector_container<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_vector_container . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_container_v = is_container<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_container . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_dynamic_matrix_container_v |
| Short-hand to is_dynamic_matrix_container . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | has_same_format_v = has_same_format<T1, T2>::value |
| Short-hand to has_same_format . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | is_compatible_v = is_compatible<T1, T2>::value |
| Short-hand to is_compatible . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | is_dynamically_compatible_v |
| Short-hand to is_dynamically_compatible . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | is_format_compatible_v |
| Short-hand to is_format_compatible . More...
template<class T > |
constexpr bool | is_generic_backend_v = is_generic_backend<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_generic_backend . More...
template<class T > |
constexpr bool | has_generic_backend_v = has_generic_backend<T>::value |
| Short-hand to has_generic_backend . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_backend_v = has_backend<T>::value |
| Short-hand to has_backend . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_memory_space_v = is_memory_space<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_memory_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_memory_space_v = has_memory_space<T>::value |
| Short-hand to has_memory_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_execution_space_v = is_execution_space<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_execution_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_execution_space_v = has_execution_space<T>::value |
| Short-hand to has_execution_space . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | is_same_memory_space_v |
| Short-hand to is_same_memory_space . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | has_same_memory_space_v |
| Short-hand to has_same_memory_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_host_memory_space_v = is_host_memory_space<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_host_memory_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_host_memory_space_v = has_host_memory_space<T>::value |
| Short-hand to has_host_memory_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_host_execution_space_v |
| Short-hand to is_host_execution_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_host_execution_space_v |
| Short-hand to has_host_execution_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_serial_execution_space_v |
| Short-hand to is_serial_execution_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_serial_execution_space_v |
| Short-hand to has_serial_execution_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_openmp_execution_space_v |
| Short-hand to is_openmp_execution_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_openmp_execution_space_v |
| Short-hand to has_openmp_execution_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_cuda_execution_space_v |
| Short-hand to is_cuda_execution_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_cuda_execution_space_v |
| Short-hand to has_cuda_execution_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_hip_execution_space_v |
| Short-hand to is_hip_execution_space . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_hip_execution_space_v |
| Short-hand to has_hip_execution_space . More...
template<typename ExecSpace , typename... Ts> |
constexpr bool | has_access_v = has_access<ExecSpace, Ts...>::value |
| Short-hand to has_access . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_space_v = is_space<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_space . More...
template<typename T , typename Variant > |
constexpr bool | is_variant_member_v |
| Short-hand for is_variant_member . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_tag_trait_v = has_tag_trait<T>::value |
| Short-hand for has_tag_trait . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_layout_v = is_layout<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_layout . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_layout_v = has_layout<T>::value |
| Short-hand to has_layout . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | is_same_layout_v = is_same_layout<T1, T2>::value |
| Short-hand to is_same_layout . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | has_same_layout_v = has_same_layout<T1, T2>::value |
| Short-hand to has_same_layout . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_value_type_v = is_value_type<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_value_type . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_value_type_v = has_value_type<T>::value |
| Short-hand to has_value_type . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | is_same_value_type_v = is_same_value_type<T1, T2>::value |
| Short-hand to is_same_value_type . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | has_same_value_type_v |
| Short-hand to has_same_value_type . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | is_index_type_v = is_index_type<T>::value |
| Short-hand to is_index_type . More...
template<typename T > |
constexpr bool | has_index_type_v = has_index_type<T>::value |
| Short-hand to has_index_type . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | is_same_index_type_v = is_same_index_type<T1, T2>::value |
| Short-hand to is_same_index_type . More...
template<typename T1 , typename T2 > |
constexpr bool | has_same_index_type_v |
| Short-hand to has_same_index_type . More...
Generic Morpheus interfaces.
EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
(c) 2021 The University of Edinburgh
Contributing Authors: Christodoulos Stylianou (c.sty.nosp@m.lian.nosp@m.ou@ed.nosp@m..ac..nosp@m.uk)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
(c) 2021 - 2022 The University of Edinburgh
Contributing Authors: Christodoulos Stylianou (c.sty.nosp@m.lian.nosp@m.ou@ed.nosp@m..ac..nosp@m.uk)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
(c) 2021 - 2022 The University of Edinburgh
Contributing Authors: Christodoulos Stylianou (c.sty.nosp@m.lian.nosp@m.ou@ed.nosp@m..ac..nosp@m.uk)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.