Morpheus 1.0.0
Dynamic matrix type and algorithms for sparse matrices
Sparse matrices are a key component of the performance critical computations in many numerical simulations. A desire to represent sparse matrices efficiently in memory and optimise , in particular given the evolution of hardware architectures, has over the years led to the development of a plethora of sparse matrix storage formats. Each format is designed to exploit the particular strengths of an architecture or the specific sparsity pattern of a matrix. The choice of the format can be crucial in order to achieve optimal performance. Being able to dynamically select storage formats at runtime is therefore highly desirable.
, is a library of sparse matrix storage formats that is designed for efficient and transparent format switching across architectures without introducing prohibitive overheads and that, at the same time, enables the straightforward addition of new storage formats without major application code changes. The library has a functional design which separates the containers that implement the storage formats from the algorithm that implement operations such as multiplication. Each container is aware of the memory space it resides in, and the algorithms require knowledge of the execution space that they will be running in. This design allows Morpheus to target multiple heterogeneous architectures.
To enable efficient yet flexible dynamic switching, Morpheus uses the std::variant
introduced in C++17 - hence it requires a C++17 compliant compiler - as a type-safe union. It offers a polymorphic variable called DynamicMatrix
which abstracts the notion of sparse matrix storage formats away from users and can hold any of the supported formats internally.
A very basic installation using CMake is done with:
which configures, builds and installs a default Morpheus. Note that Morpheus
REQUIRES Kokkos v.3.5.0 to be installed. Note that Morpheus
inherits the enabled devices and compiler optimization flags from Kokkos
Once Morpheus is installed In your CMakeLists.txt
simply use:
Then for every executable or library in your project:
More information can be found at
Documentation can be found here.
Format | Container | Serial | OpenMP | CUDA | HIP | Kokkos |
Coo | CooMatrix | yes | yes | yes | yes | no |
Csr | CsrMatrix | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
Dia | DiaMatrix | yes | yes | yes | yes | yes |
To define a container we need to specify four template parameters:
: The type of the values the container will hold. Valid types must satisfy std::is_arithmetic
i.e to be an arithmetic type.IndexType
: The type of the indices the container will hold. Valid types must satisfy std::is_integral
i.e to be an integral type.Layout
: Orientation of data in memory. Valid layouts are either Kokkos::LayoutLeft
(Column-Major) or Kokkos::LayoutRight
: A memory or execution space supported by Morpheus.HostSpace
, CudaSpace
and HIPSpace
, OpenMP
, Cuda
and HIP
and Morpheus::Custom::HostSpace
represent the generic and custom Host Memory space respectively.Morpheus
will choose a default one for you.Note that only ValueType
is mandatory. For the rest of the arguments, if not provided, sensible defaults will be selected.
For each algorithm the same interface is used across different formats. Algorithms are aware of the execution space they will be executed in and dispatch depends on that too. Currently we support the following algorithms for each of the supported storage formats:
The dynamic matrix tries to absrtract away the different supported formats and provide an efficient yet flexible switching mechanism between them. The dynamic matrix follows the same interface as the other containers hence algorithms can be used in the same way.
Building the tests and examples requires the GTest testing framework, which ships together with Morpheus
To build and run the tests add the -DMorpheus_ENABLE_TESTS=On
during configuration stage respectively. Note that tests for different devices are enabled based on how Kokkos
was configured.
After configuration, to build and run the Serial
tests do:
Same process can be followed for OpenMP
, Cuda
and HIP
To build and run the examples add the -DMorpheus_ENABLE_EXAMPLES=On
during configuration. Similar process is followed as building the tests.
This software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.