Morpheus 1.0.0
Dynamic matrix type and algorithms for sparse matrices
No Matches
2D Containers

Two-dimensional Containers. More...

Collaboration diagram for 2D Containers:


class  Morpheus::CooMatrix< ValueType, Properties >
 Implementation of the Coordinate (COO) Sparse Matrix Format Representation. More...
class  Morpheus::CsrMatrix< ValueType, Properties >
 Implementation of the Compressed-Sparse Row (CSR) Sparse Matrix Format Representation. More...
class  Morpheus::DenseMatrix< ValueType, Properties >
 The DenseMatrix container is a two-dimensional dense container that contains contiguous elements. It is a polymorphic container in the sense that it can store scalar or integer type values, on host or device depending how the template parameters are selected. More...
class  Morpheus::DiaMatrix< ValueType, Properties >
 Implementation of the Diagonal (DIA) Sparse Matrix Format Representation. More...
class  Morpheus::DynamicMatrix< ValueType, Properties >
 Implementation of the Dynamic Sparse Matrix Format Representation. More...

Detailed Description

Two-dimensional Containers.